Saturday, July 31, 2010

Trail Diary: Long Path from Rondout Valley over Samson Mountain

The plan: Run the Long Path from Peekamoose Rd. in the Upper Rondout Valley over Bangle Hill, Samson Mtn, and down to Vernooy Falls and back, about 16 miles.

The reality: 30% grade for the first mile plus (no, I doth not kid thee, I checkethed the map...after the fact).  Way unused and overgrown trail.  Stumbled in the woods at times finding our way.  Went right when we should have gone left.  A stretch of Rubus (shades of the FLT).  A whopping 10 miles (almost) in about 2.5 hours.  Quad burner up and down.  Only fell twice.  Some nice running over the top, a touch of groove & flow.  Never found the falls.  Running partner had to get back so we cut it short--which made my cranky achilles happy.  Was even smart enough to NOT go run my 7 mile snowmobile trail afterwards.  50 miles and 11 hours running in the past seven days, pretty good for me.  A Lagunitas IPA big boy tonight (and some ancillary beverages)  to help convince me not to run again in the morning.  Need a day off.

The conclusion: Fun to run a trail it seemed like no one had been on since before the earth cooled.  Now I've done it.  So I don't have to do it again. Not that I wouldn't.  But I won't.  You should.  Just to say you did.  Once. But every trail is a good trail, and every run on a trail a good run.  So go...RUN a happy!


  1. Ever heard about The Barley Marathons, Jim? Somehow that bushwhacking tale brings that "race" to mind. If you've never heard of it, check it, you won't even be tempted to do it! But it is insane to read about! Sounds like you're rocking the trails - keep it up, man! Virgil Crest awaits us.

  2. Hmmmm....I can think of my own version of a "barley marathon"...cold...wet...mmmmm

    Bring on VCU!!!!! Will see you there!!

  3. OK - my bad. it's the BARKLEY marathons - so if you try to find info on it, it might help if spelled properly! keep rockin' the trails, brother!

  4. Well, not sure that's so bad. I liked the barley version better. In fact, I just finished some barley. Or maybe it just finished me. Yep, that's it...
