Sunday, August 29, 2010

19 today...with some great company, some great views, and no bears

No crazy mountain runs today, just a super day of a different sort.  Ran my snowmobile trail--I'm calling it the Bear Loop now--for the first time since I spooked that bear.  Just hasn't worked out for me to get back up there.  Still as sweet as ever.  I did buy a "bear bell" and ran with it today....pretty obnoxious, really jams up the vibe...I got used to it after awhile but I'm really not sure I'll bother with it in the future.  I uncannily hit that 7 miler in 70 minutes again--virtually every time I run it, the same thing--then jumped in the car for a 20 minute drive to meet my friend Lori.  She led me on an awesome 12-miler through Minnewaska State Park (and check out pics here and here--none of which really do it justice).  One of those places in my own backyard that I just haven't spent nearly enough time at all these years.  That's gonna change.  We ran carriage roads (there's single-track also), but some sections were soft, some were rocky and uneven (the thing I most like about trail running--unevenness, eliminates the repetitive stress you get with road running), we splashed cool in a lake (love those Cascadias...wade into the lake with my shoes on, so what?) and the views were just awesome.  Oh, the details: a nice run up to Lake Awosting, around the lake and up to Castle Point--ya just gotta see it to appreciate it.  Up on top, fortunately that B-52 with a stinger didn't whack Lori, who, well, I wouldn't say she didn't have her epi-pen with her but....   As a reward for the climb, a long, gentle, groove and flow downhill much of the way back to the end.  And one of the best parts about trail running--despite a wicked hot day, you never really knew it on the trails.  I love that.  Thanks girl, great company, great running, great day.  Needed that.

Bring on Monster.
Bring on VCU.
Bring on Stone Cat.
And next year...bring on my first 100 miler.
Did I just say that?  Ok, guess I'm in. 
Hey--go run in the woods!!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet run! Can't wait to give it a go sometime. 100 miler? Awesome.
