Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Virgil Crest Mud Fest 50 miler. 9.24.11. Short report on a long race.

Here I am again, a week plus after the race and I still don't have a report up.  I started working on a nice, long, detailed, cutesy report.  Started.  Since I didn't finish, here's what you get:

Drove to Virgil Friday night.
Great dinner at Virgil VFD.
Drank beer.
Laughed with friends.
Went to sleep (sort of) (not really).
Got up.
Felt great.
Gravel Pit.  Awesome.  Thank You Volunteers!
Lift House 5.  Mission Control.  Thank You Volunteers!
Alpine loop.  Done.
Cranked up Virgil.   
Rock Pile. Rockin’!  Thank You Volunteers!
Sweet running to Daisy Hollow. Thank You Volunteers!
Still felt great.
Back to Rock Pile.  
Back down Virgil.  
Back to Lift House 5.
Back up alpine loop.    
Evil alpine loop.
Felt like shit last mile.
Lift House 5.  Regrouped.
Walking a lot.  
Up Carson Road.  
Into the woods.  
Headlamp on.  
Tried running.  Not.
Felt like shit.
Kept going.
Felt like shit.
Kept going.
Felt like shit.
Kept going.
Felt like shit.
Had a beverage.
Felt like good shit.
Had another beverage.
Felt like better shit.
Slept (really).
Woke up.
Had a beverage (Breakfast of Champions).
Felt good.
Had another beverage.
Felt great.
Cheered in the hundred milers.  
Contemplated my first hundred.
Probably here.
Headed home.
No mud.
Stopped to eat.
Drove some more.
Stopped to eat.
Drove some more.
Stopped to eat.
You get the picture.
Got home.
Watched some football.
The End.

Once again, RD Ian Golden and crew put on a great event. Well-organized, great aid stations, even better volunteers, beautiful course with a little mud (ok, a lot of mud) thrown in just to take your mind off the hills. Only my second year running ultras, but this race has become one of "my" races--I'll be back every year. It's just that good. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a long race is it. Congratulations to all the participants in this race for a great job well done. Looking forward for more races.
